SOS-Edition combines the love for art and culture with the commitment for children in need. Every year artists, artist couples and artist groups from some of the 135 countries in which the SOS Children’s Villages is active participate in this project. The artists donate their works to the SOS Children’s Villages. The proceeds of the purchase of the limited editions inure to the benefit to the SOS children`s villages in the home countries of the artists. In the past years editions arised in support for Brazil, Poland, Mexico, Israel, Senegal, Lebanon etc. Artists like Tal R, André Butzer, Zinny & Maidagan und Janaina Tschäpe have participated to this day. With the creation of the SOS-Edition, a creative and diverse mix of international art is evolving. With the purchase of a picture from the SOS-Edition you are helping to enable children from all over the world to find a loving home in one of the SOS Children’s Villages.